
Digital Marketing for Accountants: Launching Google Ads

Written by William Grigat, CFA | Jun 29, 2024 9:06:33 PM


In the competitive world of accounting, reaching potential clients effectively is crucial. Digital marketing offers powerful tools to help accountants expand their client base, and one of the most effective methods is through Google Ads.

This article will guide you through the process of launching and optimizing Google Ads campaigns specifically tailored for accounting services. 

Understanding Google Ads

Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. It can drive targeted traffic to your website, making it an invaluable tool for accountants looking to attract new clients.

Benefits of Using Google Ads for Accountants

  • Targeted Reach: Google Ads allows you to target specific demographics, locations, and even the time of day when your ads are displayed.
  • Measurable Results: You can track every aspect of your ad performance, from impressions and clicks to conversions and ROI.
  • Cost Control: With Google Ads, you control your budget and can adjust your spend based on performance.

Setting Up Your Google Ads Account

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Google Ads Account

  1. Sign Up: Go to the Google Ads website and sign up for an account.
  2. Configure Settings: Set up your billing information and time zone to ensure accurate tracking and billing.
  3. Define Your Objectives: Specify what you want to achieve with your ads (e.g., website traffic, lead generation).

Configuring Account Settings for Optimal Performance

  • Set Up Conversion Tracking: This helps you measure the effectiveness of your ads by tracking actions that are valuable to your business.
  • Link Google Analytics: Integrating Google Analytics with your Google Ads account provides deeper insights into how users interact with your ads and website.

Keyword Research for Accountants

Importance of Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of identifying the search terms your potential clients use. This is crucial for ensuring your ads appear to the right audience.

Tools for Conducting Keyword Research

  • Google Keyword Planner: Helps you find keywords related to your business and see how often they’re searched.
  • SEMrush: Offers insights into your competitors' keyword strategies and uncovers new keyword opportunities.

Identifying High-Traffic, Low-Competition Keywords

Focus on finding keywords that have a high search volume but relatively low competition. These keywords can help you reach a larger audience without spending too much on bids.

Crafting Effective Ad Campaigns

Writing Compelling Ad Copy

Your ad copy should be clear, concise, and persuasive. Highlight your unique selling points and include a strong call-to-action (CTA). Read more about understanding your audience and crafting the right message here.

Designing Eye-Catching Ad Creatives

Use high-quality images or videos to grab attention. Ensure that your visuals are relevant to your services and resonate with your target audience.

Structuring Campaigns for Maximum Reach and Impact

Organize your campaigns into ad groups that target specific keywords or services. This allows for more precise targeting and better performance tracking.

Understanding Match Types

Explanation of Broad Match, Phrase Match, and Exact Match

  • Broad Match: Shows your ads for searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations.
  • Phrase Match: Displays your ads for searches that include the meaning of your keyword, including variations.
  • Exact Match: Shows your ads for searches that exactly match your keyword or close variants.

When to Use Each Match Type

  • Broad Match: Use when you want to reach a wide audience and don’t mind your ads showing for related terms.
  • Phrase Match: Ideal for targeting more specific searches while still reaching a slightly broader audience.
  • Exact Match: Best for highly targeted campaigns where you want to control exactly what searches trigger your ads.

Pros and Cons of Each Match Type

  • Broad Match: Pros - wider reach; Cons - less control over who sees your ads.
  • Phrase Match: Pros - better targeting than broad match; Cons - may still trigger irrelevant searches.
  • Exact Match: Pros - precise targeting; Cons - limited reach.

Setting Up Ad Groups and Ads

Organizing Ad Groups for Better Targeting

Group your ads by similar themes or services. For instance, create separate ad groups for tax services, auditing, and financial consulting.

Creating Multiple Ads for A/B Testing

Develop several versions of your ads to test which performs best. Monitor metrics like CTR and conversion rates to determine the most effective ad copy and creatives.

Using Ad Extensions to Enhance Visibility

Ad extensions provide additional information and increase the visibility of your ads. Use site links, callouts, and structured snippets to provide more value and attract clicks.

Budget Management

Setting Daily and Monthly Budgets

Define how much you’re willing to spend each day and month. This ensures you don’t overspend and can manage your advertising costs effectively.

Allocating Budget Across Campaigns

Distribute your budget based on the performance of different campaigns. Allocate more funds to high-performing ads and reduce spend on underperforming ones.

Monitoring and Adjusting Budget Based on Performance

Regularly review your campaign performance and adjust your budget accordingly. If a particular ad group or keyword is driving high-quality traffic, consider increasing its budget.

Tracking and Analyzing Performance

Setting Up Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking helps you measure the effectiveness of your ads by tracking actions like form submissions, phone calls, or purchases. Set up conversion tracking in Google Ads to gain insights into which keywords and ads are driving results.

Key Metrics to Monitor

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measures the number of clicks your ad receives divided by the number of times it’s shown.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): The amount you pay for each click on your ad.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of clicks that result in a desired action, such as filling out a contact form or scheduling a consultation.

Using Google Analytics to Gain Deeper Insights

Link your Google Ads account with Google Analytics to track user behavior on your website. This provides valuable data on how visitors interact with your site after clicking on your ad.

Optimizing Your Campaigns

Analyzing Data to Identify Areas for Improvement

Regularly review your campaign data to identify trends and areas for improvement. Look for patterns in which ads, keywords, and targeting strategies are most effective.

While most improvements are done with the intention of improving the return on ad spend, it's also important to make sure you have the sales process well organized. Read our article on CPA firm sales best practices for more on the topic.

Adjusting Keywords, Ad Copy, and Bids

Make data-driven adjustments to your keywords, ad copy, and bids based on performance. Increase bids on high-performing keywords and refine ad copy to improve relevance and engagement.

Implementing Negative Keywords to Reduce Wasted Spend

Negative keywords prevent your ads from showing for irrelevant searches. Identify and add negative keywords to your campaigns to reduce wasted spend and improve targeting.

Advanced Strategies

Remarketing to Re-Engage Past Visitors

Remarketing allows you to show ads to people who have previously visited your website. This keeps your brand top-of-mind and encourages past visitors to return and convert.

Using Display Ads to Increase Brand Awareness

Display ads appear on websites across the Google Display Network. Use display ads to increase brand awareness and reach a broader audience.

Leveraging Google’s Automated Bidding Strategies

Google’s automated bidding strategies use machine learning to optimize your bids for conversions. Explore options like Target CPA, Target ROAS, and Maximize Conversions to improve campaign performance.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overspending on Broad Match Keywords

Broad match keywords can quickly drain your budget if not managed properly. Regularly review your search terms report and refine your keyword match types.

Ignoring Negative Keywords

Failing to use negative keywords can result in your ads showing for irrelevant searches. Regularly update your negative keyword list to improve ad relevance and reduce wasted spend.

Failing to Track Conversions Properly

Without conversion tracking, it’s difficult to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. Ensure conversion tracking is set up correctly to gain insights into your ad performance.


Launching and optimizing Google Ads campaigns can significantly enhance your digital marketing efforts and help you attract new clients to your accounting practice. By understanding the platform, conducting thorough keyword research, crafting compelling ads, and continuously optimizing your campaigns, you can achieve impressive results.

Start leveraging the power of Google Ads today to drive targeted traffic, generate leads, and grow your accounting business.

If you haven't done so yet take make sure to read our extensive guide on digital marketing for accounting firms.